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The following programmes will help you get the most from hybrid working:

Click each button to download the outline.

Leading & managing
hybrid teams

Ensuring equality and inclusion in hybrid teams

Using stories to build diversity,  inclusion and engagement

Meeting and collaborating in
hybrid teams

Creating a high performing hybrid team

View more programmes to support remote working

Building resilience for working in a
hybrid environment

Building trust and psychological safety in remote & hybrid teams

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Hybrid Working


A New Way of Working

A hybrid working model involves people working across a mix of remote and office locations. This isn't new - some organisations have been operating this way for years. However the covid-19 pandemic has forced all businesses to reconsider their working practices and many more have adopted hybrid working.

Executed well, the benefits of hybrid working can be significant; employees achieve better work-life balance and employers can achieve greater productivity, higher levels of motivation, deeper engagement and reduced operating costs.

On the other hand, when executed poorly hybrid working can be disastrous for everyone involved - employees and employer alike. Burnout, stress, disengagement, reduced productivity and huge inefficiences are just a few of the potential pitfalls.

Our programmes focus on helping leaders, team members and whole teams make the most of hybrid working, helping to ensure a successful outcome for everyone, regardless of where, when or how they might be working.

Useful tools and references

Download our free Hybrid Working Readiness Assessment

CBI Practical Guide - Adapting to Hybrid Working, (Mar 2021)

CIPD Report on Flexible Working, (Apr 2021)

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  • 80 George St, Edinburgh, EH2 3BU

  • 14 Bridge St, Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 1AX

  • Fenchurch House, 12 King St, Nottingham, NG1 2AS

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